Why Sell Used Single Slope Barrier Wall?

Single slope barriers are a kind of concrete wall used to separate lanes of traffic to both redirect traffic flow and stop head-on collisions. Because barrier walls can be uninstalled and resold after a project is finished, there’s an active market of interested buyers looking for used single slope barriers.

If you have single slope barriers left over from a project or newly uninstalled barriers from a previous application, there are many good reasons to sell the materials rather than hold onto them indefinitely: you can make money, save storage space, and help other contractors who are looking to purchase used barriers.

Click Here to Sell Precast Traffic Barrier

Why You Should Sell Your Used Single Slope Barriers

You Can Sell Your Used Single Slope Barriers to Make Money

Single slope barriers are made to be durable, meaning they hold their value well over time and can be resold after they’re no longer needed. Potential buyers enter the market every day, so by listing your barriers for sale, you’ll be able to connect with these buyers, sell your barriers, and recoup some of your original investment.

You Can Sell Your Used Single Slope Barriers to Save Storage Space

Storage space for large materials such as single slope barriers can be both difficult to find and expensive to maintain, especially if you have to pay to store your barriers at an offsite location. By selling your used single slope barriers, you’ll reduce your storage space, which can save you both money and resources.

You Can Sell Your Single Slope Barrier to Help Other Contractors

Because purchasing brand new barriers can be expensive, many buyers struggle to obtain the materials needed to move forward on their projects. If you have unneeded single slope barriers, consider listing them for sale. Not only will you take advantage of the market, but you’ll be helping out a contractor who could be relying on the purchase.

You Can Promote Sustainability

When you resell your single slope barrier wall, you are promoting the reuse of used and surplus materials. This is a great way to promote sustainability and play a part in helping the environment!

Click to view precast barrier wall

Tips for Selling Your Used Single Slope Barriers

Once you’ve decided to sell your used single slope barriers, here are a few things you can do to ensure you’re making the most of your listing.

1) Price Your Single Slope Barriers Based on Their Condition

To determine the overall condition of your used single slope barriers, consider their age, visual signs of wear, and if there’s any damage. Barriers in better condition can be sold for a price closer to the original cost, while barriers with more wear should be discounted. Similarly, look at the prior application of the barriers. If they were installed in high-impact environments, they may have more observable damage than those previously used for low-impact projects, and buyers will expect the price to reflect this.

2) Take Photos of Your Single Slope Barriers in Good Light

Take high quality photos of your barriers to give potential buyers a better idea of what you’re offering, and aim to take multiple photos from different angles to ensure you’re showcasing your single slope barriers in their entirety. When buyers know what they’re getting, they’re more likely to act. You don’t need expensive camera equipment to take high quality photos—bright daylight and a clean phone lens works well.

3) Be Upfront About Defects

It’s never a good idea to try and trick potential buyers into overlooking defects. Instead, be upfront about any defects in your barriers and price them accordingly.

4) Remember to List Certifications

If your single slope barriers have DOT stamps of approval or certifications, they’ll be more desirable to buyers. If your single slope barriers are certified by a state's department of transportation or have original paperwork, be sure to state that in the listing.

5) Take Advantage of Eiffel Trading’s Online Marketplace

Eiffel Trading's marketplace allow you to list your single slope barriers for free, set your price, sell for a profit, and retain your selling rights. We put your listing in front of buyers who are interested in your exact item and will help you attract potential industry buyers who are shopping for other materials and stumble upon yours in the process. This can mean a quicker sale and faster profit. When you sell Single slope barriers on Eiffel Trading, you’ll never pay a listing or commission fee. Listing your single slope barriers on our online platform requires minimal effort, and your materials will not leave your possession until the sale is complete.

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Buy and Sell with Eiffel Trading

Did you know that single slope barrier wall is not the only type of traffic barrier available for sale on the Eiffel Trading marketplace? Our inventory also includes used k-rail barrier wall, used f-shape barrier wall, used low profile barrier wall, used jersey barrier wall, and more.

All of our listings are constantly being updated, but if you don’t see what you’re looking for, create a wanted listing for free.

Ready to sell your used heavy equipment or construction material? List your products today for free on Eiffel Trading’s online marketplace.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please call us at 1-800-541-7998 or email sales@eiffeltrading.com.